BBS in a Box 7
BBS in a Box - Macintosh - Volume VII (BBS in a Box) (January 1993).iso
SCSIAccel v2.10.cpt
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The accelerator works only on a MacPlus! It enhances the throughput of I/O
operations for so called blind read and write operations. Nothing else is
The reason that the performance of these operations can be enhanced is
that Apple's code to do these operations is (and must be) suited to handle
a variety of disk types. Some of these are slower than others. In the following
discussion we will talk about read operations only, but the discussion applies
just as well to write operations.
When transfering data to or from a SCSI device, there is no support for hardware
handshake on the MacPlus (there is some on the other Macintoshes). Because of this,
the only really safe way to do the I/O is to poll the SCSI chip for the arrival of
a new byte each time you need one. Of course this is slow. Therefore Apple
introduced the "blind" operations. For blind operations, the system only waits for
the arrival of the first byte, the rest of them are read in a small loop which looks
like this:
@1 move.b (a1),(a2)+
dbra d6,@1
This means that after every transfer of a single byte, the Macintosh waits at least
the time to execute the DBRA (about 10 cycles) before fetching the next byte. This
is long enough for even the slowest hard disk that Apple anticipated to have the
next byte ready. In fact, most hard disk can deal with a lot less! Reduction of
this "dead" time can be achieved by unfolding the loop, i.e. reducing the loop
trip count and putting more than a single move.b instruction in the loop body.
Of course, if we put two moves right next to each other, we get the fastest
transfer that is possible (knowing that we do not have a DMA controller). This
might be too fast for some hard disks, so it may well be that we have to put one
or more NOP instructions between each two move.b instructions. The execution time
of a NOP is only 4 cycles however, much less than for the DBRA and thus, throughput
can be increased even if we need 2 NOPs per move.b. By increasing the number of
move.b instructions in the loop body, we further decrease the looping overhead,
leading to increased performance, but of course, also to more use of memory for
the code.
Since the loop illustrated is 6 code bytes long, there is just enough place to
replace the loop with a JSR instruction to a patched version of the loop that applies
these techniques. This is exactly what the SCSI-Accelerator does. The reason that
this does not improve performance on the Mac SE or II/IIx is that those machines
support a sort of pseudo DMA transfer mode that already takes care of getting in
the bytes as soon as they arrive. For this reason, the accelerator init refuses
to install itself on anything other than a Mac Plus.
As said before, if you do not operate a Mac Plus, forget it, it will not install!
If you are using a MacPlus, the thing to do is to find out what kind of unfolded
loop will still work for your configuration. This depends mainly on two things:
disk type(s) and processor (in case you operate an accelerator board). For this
reason, several variants of the init code have been provided. They are all named
SCSI-Accel-r<x>w<y>s<z>. Here the <x>, <y> and <z> are single digits meaning:
<x> The number of NOPs inserted after each move.b in the loop body for reading.
<y> The number of NOPs inserted after each move.b in the loop body for writing.
<z> The number of move.b instructions in the loop body is equal to 2^<z>
This means that in general you should use the init with the lowest <x> and <y>
that still works with your configuration. Once you know which one to use, the next
thing to do is to decide how you want to trade of memory and speed by choosing
the <z> that you want to use. In general z=5 works quite well.
You find out which <x> and <y> version to use by putting one of the INITs in
your system folder and rebooting. If the boot works it is quite likely that that
version works for you. Test this by duplicating a file with the finder.
You should start to test this with a variant with <x> and <y> large. If it works
you can progressively try out lower numbers. Don't worry, during boot the disk
is only read and even if the Mac crashed (which is the usual symptom of a <x>,<y>
which is too low), no real harm will be done.
The code in this patch should work with all disks (providing you choose the
right <x> and <y>. Disks with block sizes that are a multiple of 2^<z> work
fastest, but any other block size will be handled correctly (for those of you
that have disks that operate with tags). The original accelerator worked only
with 512 bytes/block disks.
Since the SCSI manager read and write blind operations are patched, you will not
get improved performance if your disk's driver does not use the SCSI manager. In
that case it is quite likely that the driver will already do the same kind of
optimalization as suggested here, so there won't be much to gain here.
Supposing your driver *does* use the SCSI manager, performance will improve,
depending on the type of disk you have. An example:
Using a HD SC80 (Quantum Q280) disk with my own custom driver that *does* use
the SCSI manager we get the following DiskTimer II results:
Variant Reads Writes Seeks
none 106 105 18
r0w0s5 63 67 18
r1w1s5 83 82 18
The SC 80 is a disk which is formatted with a 1:1 interleave. Its controller
caches a complete disk track though, hence the almost twofold improvement.
For a Rodime RO632 (Some Apple HD 20's) and the same driver we get:
Variant Reads Writes Seeks
none 160 161 52
r0w0s5 109 107 52
r1w1s5 110 108 52
This disk is quite a bit slower, but still there is improvement. What I have not
yet tested is what happens if, in addition to using r0w0s5, I also reformat the
disk with a lower interleave factor. It might very well be that because of
the improved data transfer rate, the Mac Plus can keep up with an interleave that
is one lower. In that case, performance would improve even more.
Apple's drivers also use the SCSI manager, so the INIT should at least work with
that software. It is known that some Rodime drivers bypass the SCSI manager. You
will have to try and measure to see wether or not the INIT works for you. In general:
just try and see. Included in this package is disktimer II so that you can check
the results yourself.
Have fun, Dolf
Dolf Starreveld
Department of Mathematics and COmputer Science
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 409
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 592 5022
E-mail: dolf@uva.UUCP (...!uunet!mcvax!hp4nl!uva!dolf for oldies)